Surgeries on Cosmetic Gynecology Advance

More women are interested in vaginal rejuvenation from year to year, medical journals say, underscoring a pattern of progressive growth as more plastic surgeons are training to practice for this high-profit business. These procedures may be done with vaginal mesh procedures. This is potentially serious since surgical meshes have been known to cause a wide array of complications to its recipients. There was even a bill submitted by House members with an aim to limit the FDA control over vaginal mesh market clearance.

Vaginal Mesh Erosion
Cosmetic gynecology is truly gaining attention—not only among women who want to enhance their reproductive function, but more so with obstetricians, gynecologists, and plastic surgeons who believe that they can earn more with this surgical specialization. Why do these surgical options appeal strongly to women? According to Dr. Mark Scheinberg, a master vaginal surgeon who has successfully performed thousands of bladder and vaginal reconstructions, cosmetic gynecology has a lot to offer to women who wants to improve their sex life and renew their self-confidence.

As an effect of childbirth or old age, both the internal and external structures of the vagina are altered to some extent. With this, most women in their forties start to feel like their vaginal skins start to sag, sexual relations gradually become uncomfortable, and incontinence episodes come and go. These unpleasant experiences greatly influence the way they see themselves. As a result, some of them (who can afford it) choose to go through vaginal reconstructive therapies, even when these procedures are not medically approved by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. According to members of the organization, these procedures lacked clinical data proving its safety and effectiveness.

These gynecological procedures may include labioplasty (correcting deformities of the labia minora), vaginal rejuvenation (bringing back the natural tightness of the vaginal canal), application of vaginal supports (mesh or slings) for organ-specific pelvic prolapse or urine incontinence, and many more. There are various types of meshes found in the market nowadays, and they are directly available to pelvic surgeons trained to implant them surgically.

Experts have long debated over the safety application of these medical products. Some of them believe that these may be successfully positioned through the vaginal opening using effective placement techniques and the right kind of mesh material that matches with the patient’s system. As regard future infections, these supporters of mesh have no doubt that they are highly preventable. These affirmations, however, did not stop many injured recipients to file legal complaints before US courts and ask for monetary compensations through a transvaginal mesh lawsuit.


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Does Incontinence Always Occur in Women with Prolapse?

Vaginal Mesh Infographic
Bladder prolapse surgery is the most advanced and highly effective approach in dealing with patients who have severe types of bladder prolapse, most doctors say. Based on their observations, there are only a few women who develop unusual complications after a surgical treatment.

It is known to many that urethrocele and cystocele patients often manifest difficulty in urinating. But can this also occur in patients who have other types of prolapse?

Pelvic organ prolapse refers to the abnormal dropping of any of the organs located in the pelvic area, which are the bladder, urethra, uterus, intestines, rectum, and the vagina. In most cases, a prolapse of one organ will lead to another. This is due to the fact that the pelvic organs are connected in a complex way and they are held in place by a system of muscles and ligaments that medical people usually refer to as pelvic floor. If, in any case, this pelvic support weakens because of trauma, degenerative diseases, tissue dysfunctions, or physical activities, all the pelvic organs may fall out of place and symptoms like incontinence would follow.

The loss of bladder control may occur in prolapse sufferers because of the possible impact of the internal organs to the urethra or the bladder. When these structures are pressed against the vaginal wall or the rest of the pelvic organs, stress urinary incontinence may follow. This is the involuntary emptying of the bladder when triggered by activities that cause an increase in the abdominal pressure, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing, running, sitting in one position, and standing for long hours (to mention a few). This buildup of pressure in the abdomen presses on either the urethra or the bladder, making urine flow inevitably. This is a big concern for women who are living active and busy lives.

It is important to know that prolapse, if left untreated, may lead to stress urinary incontinence at some point. If this occurs, prolapse repair may be accompanied by incontinence correction as well. In fact, more than 30 percent of women who undergo prolapse surgery are expected to have surgery for urinary incontinence at the same time.

A mesh implantation through the female genitalia is the commonly performed medical approach when it comes to both prolapse and incontinence. But nowadays the number of women who let their doctors use these potentially risky corrective devices has gradually decreased. Perhaps, the surge of transvaginal mesh lawsuit filings has influenced women’s treatment preference.


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Diagnosing Rectocele through Defecography: How is it done?

As one of the six main types of pelvic organ prolapse, rectocele may become serious. Its complications may range from simple pelvic pressure to painful bowel movement, fecal incontinence, and even problems in sexual functions. Because of these, women should never delay medical appointments with their doctors once the symptoms arise.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Symptoms may not be apparent in mild rectoceles, but in severe situations they may be totally devastating to some patients. In all of the diagnostic tests carried on by doctors, defecography is the most precise, since it is used to examine the movement of the rectum and anus while the patient defecates.

There are certain preparations that need to be done to complete this procedure. Firstly, the patient is informed about the need of this procedure, and that it may really be discomforting. With this, she may be able to give her consent for the procedure to be performed.

At least two hours before the procedure, fleet enema is carried out. This may be done by the patient at home or by a medical professional if the patient is admitted in the hospital. Meanwhile, the patient is also instructed on a liquid diet for 24 to 48 hours and restricted from  taking anything by mouth two hours before the test. If the patient is currently taking medications, she should tell her doctor about it so proper instructions may be given to her. There are other medications however that may be allowed but only with a few sips of water.

The test involves an introduction of barium sulfate through a small tube inserted into the rectum. The patient may feel a slight pressure in the rectum or an urge to move bowels. The radiopaque contrast medium may be seen through X-ray. During the procedure, the patient will be asked to move in different positions and strain the pelvic muscles like in defecating. The movement of the rectum and anus with these activities is compared to when the patient is at rest such as in sitting or lying down. Also, the pelvic floor muscles are assessed as well.

After the procedure, the patient may resume regular diet unless otherwise indicated by the doctor. Most of the time, patient’s stools appear white for a few days. Some patients may also experience constipation, since barium sulfate is a dehydrating substance. It is important that the patient drinks a lot of water after the procedure to keep hydrated and to cleanse the intestines and rectum.

Once diagnosed, it would be easier for physicians to plan on a medical or surgical treatment, depending on what best suits the patient’s condition. Today, a non-biological material known as mesh is becoming more and more known to patients since it is the latest and the most recommended by doctors. But like most products, it also has its downsides which caused hundreds of transvaginal mesh lawsuit filings to move up.


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